Thursday, January 6, 2011

Let the games begin.

Hi.  If you've been reading my blog since the beginning (or probably even just a few entries) you've most likely gotten the impression that I'm a pretty polite kind of person.  I am.  However, I've been known to be quite the bitch when provoked.  Of course, my ex-husband would be more than happy to corroborate that fact. 

I'm bringing this up because it appears that the gossiping within my former ward has begun and I don't know quite how to deal with this in a civil manner.  From what I understand, this gossip shit is simply the next logical step in the process of leaving the Morg.

If you've experienced something like this, how did you deal with it/bring it to an end?  Any suggestions on how I can shut these idiots up without letting my temper ruin things?

1 comment:

  1. Hello again.

    Yes you do seem like a very polite and kind person, you care about others a lot.

    With the ward beginning to gossip about you, I have not experienced that myself since I pretty much just dissapeared and they hardly see me. But what I would do if a lot of people were gossiping about me, I would just stay away from them, stay away from the church. I would want to live my life and be who I am, and try not to focus on the church anymore. I do understand though it is very tempting to want to try and shut them up, but it's better to move on.

    I do feel you have a lot of anger in you, and since some of the members choose to show who they really are as people by gossiping about you. You need to live now, your life is whats important now, not the church and some fake people who gossip about you. I am sure it's so very tempting to try to shut them up, but they are brain washed, and nothing you say will help free them, only they can free themselves if they choose to. You need to focus on you and your daughters now. Try to get away from the church, get away from that ward that is gossiping about you. Just get away from them, Your better then them, you free now, don't lower yourself down to their brain washed fake level, your not brain washed anymore. Your daughters need you especially now. If you can get away for a while from all of that, take some time and just get away.

    You have come a long way already, your growing a lot now without the church to keep you controlled. Keep focusing on that, so you and your daughters can grow together. Get away from that ward, I am sure you have a lot of anger in you and you would love to try and make them shut up, but thats not whats important. You and your daughters are important, the love you have for each other is important. Not some shallow minded brain washed church members who gossip.

    I don't know you, or met you I mean, all I have seen is this blog, but what I feel already is I am proud of you, what your doing because you know what the church is now. That you care for your daugthers and want them to be free like you are. I am proud of you.

    Your a better person than those gossiping church members, live your live now, create what you want with your daughters, create something more special than what those sad brain washed members will. Keep up the good work, your not alone. Create something beautiful because it's already inside you all along.
